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December 2021

Wishes for a Merry Christmas to all our friends from Spain, Italy and Romania!

September 2021

Monitoring the impact on students with the beginning of the project's second year!

Students' creativity has no limits...
How an old doll has been transformed into a Harry Potter character and all kinds of miniature objects have been handcrafted by one of our talented students!
June 2021
End of the 1st year of this exciting project...
Award certificates for all the participants (and a small appreciation gift of the project's magazine to the most active ones!) and a limited bazaar for the students who are graduating - all money raised will be added to next year's open bazaar and will be donated to WWF Hellas, according to the students' decision.
January 2021

Research and NGO selection for donating the money from the solidarity market

December 2020

Handmade Christmas cards

Handmade ecological seed starter cards

All Christmas cards arrived in Greece

Digital Christmas cards

Christmas and recycle-themed word clouds


Romanian cards for Greece full of love

Counting down till Christmas day with Harry Potter and his friends...

A figure a day as a reminder of this exciting project! Merry Christmas!!


The first letter from Dumbledore has arrived in the 5th Primary School of Korydallos in Greece!

The news are alarming! 

All magicians are ready to start the adventure and complete the challenges to open the cryptex...

October 2020

The students of the 5th grade created posters for their partner countries!

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Hecho por Tatiana Polo

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